Epping Close Management Company

Welcome to the web site of Epping Close Management Company Ltd. This site is intended to help communication between the company and the flat owners, residents and other stakeholders in Epping Close.

Epping Close Management Company is responsible for managing the buildings and grounds that make up numbers 1 to 25, Epping Close, Reading, UK. It is a not for profit company owned by the property owners and run by a management committee elected by the property owners at an Annual General Meeting. The day to day maintenance of the property, together with the collection of management charges is sub-contracted to a professional property management business, Cleaver Property Management, with the Epping Close Management Company retaining strategic direction on behalf of the property owners.

Contacting Cleaver Property Management

For day to day maintenance issues, or for issues relating to the collection and payment of management charges, you should contact Cleaver Property Management by:

  • telephone on 0118 973 6566
  • fax on 0118 973 6711
  • sending an email to info@cleaverproperty.co.uk
  • sending a mail to Cleaver Property Management, 2 The Forge, The Grange Centre, 24 Barkham Ride, Wokingham, RG40 4EU

Contacting Epping Close Management Company

For issues other than day to day maintenance or management charge collection, you should contact Epping Close Management Company Ltd by:

Note that for privacy and security reasons, we do not publish contact details for individual committee members on the web.

Management Charges

The management charge for the year from 1st July 2003 to the 30th June 2004 is £480. This should be paid either:

  • by standing order at the rate of £48 per month for the months August 2003 through May 2004 inclusive (a standing order mandate is available from Cleaver Property Management at their address above), or

  • by two half yearly payments of £240 each, paid by cheque and due on the 1st July 2003 and 1st January 2004 (cheques should be made payable to 'Epping Close Management Co Ltd' and sent to Cleaver Property Management at their address above).


The Annual General Meeting of Epping Close Management Company will be held on Thursday 22nd April at 7pm in the Downshire Room of All Saints Church Hall. All Saints Church Hall can be found on Downshire Square. From Epping Close, turn left up Russel Street, the left to the traffic lights at the top of Castle Hill. Turn right at the lights, and Downshire Square is the third road on the right. The hall is on the left immediately at the next junction.

On arrival at the hall, you should enter through the door in the corner of the car park, which gives direct access to the Downshire Room, which is attached to the main church hall. There is a car park available for users of the hall. If anyone needs a lift from Epping Close, please send an email to epping_close@yahoo.co.uk and I will be glad to make the necessary arrangements.

The formal notice and agenda is here. The next committee meeting will be arranged at the conclusion of the AGM.

Other Information

Other information available on our web site:

Page last updated on 24th March 2004